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The e-commerce.

COD for gifts? Can i disable it?


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I'm setting up a shop, with various shipping and payment methods depending on zone.


I've discovered it is possible for someone outside the 'home country' payment and shipping zone to order products for someone within the 'home country zone', and they are then allowed to choose C.O.D


This seems a little dangerous, you could get pranks ordering from overseas and selecting COD, only for some unsuspecting person to get a delivery which they are then expected to pay for.


Is there a way to change the COD module, to check the location of the billing adresse, and not the delivery adresse?


Before I start trying to alter the PHP of this module, I thought it better to ask, as I'm sure others will have come across this little problem. I used the search but COD is too short to return results.


Many Thanks!



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  • 2 weeks later...

How about if the COD module were to check that the delivery addresse is either empty or the same as the billing addresse - if not it would throw up a Javascript alert about COD only being allowed for the billing adresse and load the page to enter delivery/billing addresse again.


That would be a simple and logical fix....can anyone suggest some code?



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