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Admin Open For The Public


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I've just installed this cool software. But I have a small security loophole in my admin area.


It's completely open for the public. If somewone types www.domain.com/catalog/admin they go striaght to my administration area. >_<


Can anyone help me setting it up so there's a password protection on?


Thanks in Advance




The easiest and best way to do it is use a feature provided in most web hosting control panels to password protect the admin folder. If that is available to you, then there are several contributions ranging from simple password protection to multi level access control that help you secure it:


Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0




Password Protect Admin Area


Simpel password protection for your admin dir

Rule #1: Without exception, backup your database and files before making any changes to your files or database.

Rule #2: Make sure there are no exceptions to Rule #1.


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