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New User: Having issues with writing permissions


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Hi everyone:


Brand new to using OSCommerce, and I have limited HTML/FTP knowledge. I've got my catalog setup the way I want it, but the problem is, I don't have writing permission to most things. So, I cannot change the text on the front page of my website. The instructions tell me how to do so, but I cannot define languages or anything like that due to this issue with writing permissions. I feel like I'm running around in circles.


I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible, and prefer not to use an FTP. If I could just get this issue fixed, I'd be ready to go.


Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me with this issue!



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Think the only way to change permissions is through FTP for the most part. It's very easy to do. I recommend WS_ftp, should have a free client.


have you used ftp before? I can help you there some more if you need it.


Hi everyone:


Brand new to using OSCommerce, and I have limited HTML/FTP knowledge. I've got my catalog setup the way I want it, but the problem is, I don't have writing permission to most things. So, I cannot change the text on the front page of my website. The instructions tell me how to do so, but I cannot define languages or anything like that due to this issue with writing permissions. I feel like I'm running around in circles.


I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible, and prefer not to use an FTP. If I could just get this issue fixed, I'd be ready to go.


Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me with this issue!



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