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I have read at least 20 posts in the last few days asking how to solve the problem below. I hope this simple guide is some use to people having difficult with paypal




Set up paypal but when orders are made paypal / my website dosnt record the products purchased etc.




Log into PayPal. Click Profile. Under selling preferences click website payment preferences.


change Auto Return to ON

Set your return URL as follows: http://www.Yourwebsite.com/checkout_process.php

Payment data transfer: ON


then save your settings. Now when an order is made, a call back is sent to your checkout_process.php to record the order and send the emails etc.


Thanks Mr - T.


Thanks for the guide Mr. -T,


However I'm not sure I'm setting up the return URL correctly.


According to the PayPal site, I must include text on the page linked to the URL along the lines of:

"Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. You may log into your account at www.paypal.com/us to view details of this transaction."


My question is, if I insert this text into the checkout_process.php page, will this text show only when a paying customer is returned to this page from PayPal? Or will this text be there regardless of whether a customer has just ordered from PayPal or not?


Sorry if my question shows a basic misunderstanding - I'm new to PHP.










I have read at least 20 posts in the last few days asking how to solve the problem below. I hope this simple guide is some use to people having difficult with paypal




Set up paypal but when orders are made paypal / my website dosnt record the products purchased etc.




Log into PayPal. Click Profile. Under selling preferences click website payment preferences.


change Auto Return to ON

Set your return URL as follows: http://www.Yourwebsite.com/checkout_process.php

Payment data transfer: ON


then save your settings. Now when an order is made, a call back is sent to your checkout_process.php to record the order and send the emails etc.


Thanks Mr - T.


Small correction. Make sure the return URL is an https:// address or PayPal won't send back any information.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.


Thanks! This was a good tip. Once I found out my hosts' SSL path and used it in the URL, PayPal automatically returned a customer to our store site, and the orders were recorded...

Small correction. Make sure the return URL is an https:// address or PayPal won't send back any information.

When I sign up for Payment Data Transfer, it lists an identy token and instructs to add this to my website. Do I have to insert this identy token somewhere? If so where?



Payment Data Transfer allows you to receive notification of successful payments as they are made. The use of Payment Data Transfer depends on your system configuration and your Return URL. Please note that in order to use Payment Data Transfer, you must turn on Auto Return.




Payment Data Transfer:




Identity Token:



I've tried the above steps and am still having issues. Here is some info:


1.) I am not using any SSL. I don't plan on using it in the near future, either. It appears it should work without.

2.) Orders are working corrrectly in that the status changes appropriately from "Preparing - PaypalIPN" to "Pending"

3.) Item stock is NOT being reduced

4.) Emails from OSCommerce are NOT being sent out



The problems occur whether or not the customer hits "Return" on the pay pal page. The Auto Return feature is NOT working, either.


Everything works fine with other payment modules. Anyone have any idea?






I have set the Return to Yes, and the return URL to my checkout_process.php. Then I tried to set up the Payment Data Transfer, and then I got a "Token" to use in my site, but where should this Token go? I can't find anywhere to place it in the PayPal module...


Anybody know?


I have the same question.


Receiving this message:

You have successfully saved your preferences. Please use the following identity token when setting up Payment Data Transfer on your website.


I must be missing some other step.


I also am not using SSL on the actual site, which is why I chose to use PayPal.


There is no SSL address.


Are we saying then, the autoreturn won't work, then?


I receive about half the orders and only use PayPal, just FYI. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out the processing sequence as to why some work and some don't.


Sorry, I don't mean to spam the board or blather on about stuff I don't know much about.


I'm just trying to help, because there are a bunch of people that need this fixed.


Anyway, here's some information on Paypal about data transfer and IPN, including the code you need.


I have not installed it yet.


You will recieve this if you enable Payment Data Transfer, via Paypal.


I have not looked at the OSC contributions for any of this.


This email is to inform you that you have successfully enabled Payment Data Transfer.


PDT's primary function is to display payment transaction details to buyers when they are redirected back to your site upon payment completion. However, there are cases, such as with pending transactions, where you won't receive notification of all transactions. For this reason, PayPal strongly recommends that you also enable Instant Payment Notification (IPN).


To learn more about enabling and setting up IPN:




To learn more about Payment Data Transfer, including setup instructions and a complete list of variables:




Sorry again for posting so much on this, but I really need to get it resolved.




On another thread it suggested to set the return URL to http://www.yourwebsite.com/checkout_success.php rather than http://www.yourwebsite.com/checkout_process.php


I am not questioning anybody's input, or experience, just need to know which one to use.


I'm also still wondering about the folks who don't have SSL on their OSC site.


Thanks in advance.


Hi all


I use PAYPAL for payments.


I use the original PAYPAL module from oscommerce.


On my PAYPAL account:


AutoReturn is enabled.


My return URL is set to "http://citaras.com/catalog/checkout_process.php"


Instant Payment Notification is enabled. (I also tried it disabled, but it didn't make any difference)


Here is my problem:


After a payment is made on the PAYPAL site, it seems like the "checkout_process.php" page hangs. After several minutes I get this error:


"CGI Timeout. The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process."


PAYPAL registers and informs me about the payment. But the customer receives this error. I didn't modified the "checkout_process.php" page.

How can I fix this error?

I have the same question.


Receiving this message:

You have successfully saved your preferences. Please use the following identity token when setting up Payment Data Transfer on your website.


I must be missing some other step.


I also am not using SSL on the actual site, which is why I chose to use PayPal.


There is no SSL address.


Are we saying then, the autoreturn won't work, then?


I receive about half the orders and only use PayPal, just FYI. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out the processing sequence as to why some work and some don't.

When you want all payment details to be displayed on the success page then you need to send an identity token of yours along with a token that paypal initialy sends to the successpage.It is only on receiving this token that paypal will be able to make out that ther is no hack and the request and post data sent is to the right place.



Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.


This "Replying to Paypal not returning order - GUIDE" to which contribution does is he reffering to?








I installed as default the osCommerce-PayPal_IPN-v1.1 contribution with no problem and it was easy than the V3.1.5


I had no problem witht the returning order with this contribution. Except for http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=187207


I manage to combine (products tab, review, xsell, prod attrib with a little change on the code i made to sweet enough the multi images i created) into products_info.php


xsell_v2.3 --> 80% working only. The cache folder does not update and no one can answer it.




Header Tags





Registry Manager

Site Map MS2 - 2.3

This "Replying to Paypal not returning order - GUIDE" to which contribution does is he reffering to?








I installed as default the osCommerce-PayPal_IPN-v1.1 contribution with no problem and it was easy than the V3.1.5


I had no problem witht the returning order with this contribution. Except for http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=187207



I am using the paypal module which came with the original oscommerce installation. But I do not know the version#. How can I check the version number.


I am having some trouble with the Paypal module. I am using the standard Paypal module that already comes with OsC and I have done the following:


change Auto Return to ON

Set your return URL as follows: http://www.Yourwebsite.com/checkout_process.php

Payment data transfer: ON


When I make the payment it redirects me to my website but I get this message:


Warning: Cannot modify header information

- headers already sent by (output started at /home/wholeag/public_html/store/includes/modules/payment/paypal.php:4)

in /home/wholeag/public_html/store/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


Any help would be appreciated.

  • 2 weeks later...

I could of sworn that was a simple question.


I really need to know, because I was having trouble with the paypal orders not registering when I didn't have the SSL on the site... trying to figure out why the auto-return feature isn't working properly.


This is from the paypal website:


About Auto Return





Auto Return shortens the checkout flow and immediately brings your buyers back to your website upon payment completion. To set up Auto Return, you need to turn it on and enter the Return URL that will be used to redirect your buyers back to your site.


Note: If you have enabled Auto Return and have chosen to turn on PayPal Account Optional for new users, a new user will not be automatically directed back to your website, but will be given the option to return.


So the only full proof way of getting an auto return is to turn off paypal account optional! joy! not


Ok So here is a really oddball question. I have several websites all running through PayPal and all with different URL's.


If I enter a URL, PayPal only allows me to enter one and it would only be right one in 11 times :)


I am experiencing the same problem as my orders are being paid but no record of it in pending box. I have no idea what they are buying.


I am going back to the Buyers and asking them what they bought. Not a good thing to do.


Any ideas??




I've had my store up and running for months with no problems (ok, plenty of problems, but none PayPal related) and suddenly this week my PayPal orders aren't showing up properly. Everything stays in the customer's cart, like they never completed checkout. It's *very* annoying. I didn't change any PayPal settings or anything. Did something change with PayPal? Is there some reason I'm suddenly having trouble?


This is the same thing that happened to me. I noticed in the last week or so the orders are now all of a sudden not being sent back to the website to show any orders. Maybe PayPal changed something?


I used to have no problems but in the last week, I have had two orders not coming back into the pending. area.


Hmm wonder if PayPal made some security changes or something? ? ?

This is the same thing that happened to me. I noticed in the last week or so the orders are now all of a sudden not being sent back to the website to show any orders. Maybe PayPal changed something?


I used to have no problems but in the last week, I have had two orders not coming back into the pending. area.


Hmm wonder if PayPal made some security changes or something? ? ?


Can anybody shed any light on this!


I have just set up a new osCommerce site and am using the original Paypal module as my only payment option.


I have followed all of the instructions in the first post of this thread and everything seemed fine.


Now however some of the orders are coming through and some are not!


I am not using SSL on the site. I thought this was ok because we do not take credit card details. Paypal do this. So Paypal is returning to http://www.mysite.co.uk/checkout_process.php rather than https://....


On some of the orders (not all of them) Paypal is taking the payment but is not returning to our site. We do not know what the customer has ordered as no order is recorded and no emails are sent.


This seems to be a common problem but no-one has put a finger on what exactly the problem is.


Do you have to use SSL?


Is the customer given a choice to return to the refering site and this is the problem? Some are choosing not to?


If so is there anything I can do to remove this choice?


Or is it a glitch at Paypal. The last couple of posters have indicated that their sites which have been working previously have suddenly developed this problem. Could this mean that something has changed at Paypal.


Any suggestions would be gratefully received as this is getting very urgent. Customers don't like having their money taken and not having the orders sent!


Please help.


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