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The e-commerce.

Whats the best way to test locally

Steven Barkess

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I want to test my site on my laptop rather than directly on the web so that I can make changes when I am out of the office. I use dreamweaver and thought about setting up using this (still using wise ftp), but I am not sure of the steps that I need to take.


Also, I also wanted to add new products when I am not connected and then load them up when connected. Again, whats the best way to do this.


Any one suggest a beginners guide to doing both?


Many thanks




I think is better add products only when you are online, bacause when you add a product you modify your database. I don't think there is a way to add a product offline and then, when you are connected to the internet, make it working automatically in some way.


But maybe there is a way and I don't know it....

I want to test my site on my laptop....


Start by installing Apache, MySQL and PHP on your labtop, them go play with osCommerce.








Thanks for that.


I have installed but get the following error message when I try to go in


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.




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