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The e-commerce.

query problem


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first of all, thanks to deep-silver for this very useful module.


i am doing some modification that added one extra column in customers_points_pending table which i named customers_refid. the data are added successfully according to the checkout_process.php. unique_id successfully adds row twice and under orders_id column generates 2 rows also, one for the original order id and one constant id which is number "1". however we all know that on customers_points_pending.php page the queries that will show on the said page are with the cpp.orders_id = o.orders_id and o.orders_id = ot.orders_id. i would like to ask how can i add the ones in the orders_id column with the value of 1. kindly look at my code.


$orders_query_raw = "select o.orders_id, o.orders_status, o.customers_name, o.customers_email_address, o.payment_method, o.date_purchased, o.last_modified, o.currency, o.currency_value, s.orders_status_name, ot.text as order_total, cpp.points_pending as points_pending, cpp.comment as comment, cpp.status as status, cpp.orders_id as orders_id from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o , " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " ot , " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . " s , customers_points_pending cpp where ot.class = 'ot_total' " . $filter_selection . "and cpp.orders_id = o.orders_id and cpp.orders_id = '1' and o.orders_id = ot.orders_id and o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by $sort";


the above code prints nothing.


i hope i explained my question well and thank you for any suggestion you can direct me.

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first of all, thanks to deep-silver for this very useful module.


i am doing some modification that added one extra column in customers_points_pending table which i named customers_refid. the data are added successfully according to the checkout_process.php. unique_id successfully adds row twice and under orders_id column generates 2 rows also, one for the original order id and one constant id which is number "1". however we all know that on customers_points_pending.php page the queries that will show on the said page are with the cpp.orders_id = o.orders_id and o.orders_id = ot.orders_id. i would like to ask how can i add the ones in the orders_id column with the value of 1. kindly look at my code.


$orders_query_raw = "select o.orders_id, o.orders_status, o.customers_name, o.customers_email_address, o.payment_method, o.date_purchased, o.last_modified, o.currency, o.currency_value, s.orders_status_name, ot.text as order_total, cpp.points_pending as points_pending, cpp.comment as comment, cpp.status as status, cpp.orders_id as orders_id from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o , " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " ot , " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . " s , customers_points_pending cpp where ot.class = 'ot_total' " . $filter_selection . "and cpp.orders_id = o.orders_id and cpp.orders_id = '1' and o.orders_id = ot.orders_id and o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by $sort";


the above code prints nothing.


i hope i explained my question well and thank you for any suggestion you can direct me.


wrong post. sorry.

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