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700pix width column for content section


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I know this is probably not the right place to post this query but I don't know where else to put it.


I'm trying to modify the look of the main content on the category and product listings pages to fit within a 700 pix wide column. I have the STS mod installed and have tried using the supplied and suggested product_info.php.html templates, however I find that some of the features of osc do not work with the templates, examples are buttons, click to enlarge and a few other things.


What I would like to do is to put all of the text info for the products underneath the small product image instead of to the left side. I would still like the product name and price to be above the image but I would like the image itself to have the full width of the 700pix area.


Also in the category product listings main content section I would like to be able to do the same thing.


If anyone knows how to achieve this I'd appreciate all the help they could give.


Thanks for your support.

Lowly :rolleyes:


Still plugging away with the STS template but so far the probs with it are no CSS styles by default, click to enlarge broken not there, reviews button broken dont work, $productmodel broken does not display, Category menu broken keeps wanting to go to cart, adds url links to page display instead of attaching to buttons.


As I'm not a programmer I don't understand the issues with STS and OSC and also as I'm not a web designer I'm fighting in the dark here.


I'm now considering going back to the default osc product info and category displays that STS mods with it's html template, and try to modify the osc product info file and add a few extra tables into it to see what happens.


Will let people know if I can get it to work. In meantime feel free to add suggestions or comments to this post.




Sorted out the Product info Yipee!!! :-)


Worked out that if you just mod the main OSC product_info.php file by adding in a row to the main table to house the image and click to enlarge link then put the produt info bits in the next row down, STS will behave normally and OSC will behave normally. STS will capture the product info gubbins then place them according to your HTML template. This has helped me cope with wide image thumbnails of 700pix width in the product info section which previously had a tendency to squash everything into a tiny column on the right and the thumb on the left, now the thumb displays at the top and the info underneath.


Will let you know how the categories pages work out, that's the next challenge.


It's funny how you feel like you've conquered the world when you make something work correctly! :-)


LOL Lowly


Ok so the category pages look like they're a little trickier the main issue being that there is no one file to edit, as they are a dynamically created page by the look of things using the file product_listings.php.


Does anyone have any suggestions they'd like to share about this?


I would also like to make the Listing have a banded background eg one product with a lighter row background and the next with the normal background and so on.


Hope someone can help.


Best regards



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