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Customizing store look


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I don't see anything in configuration to customize header, add logo, pick color schemes etc...



I don't see anything in configuration to customize header, add logo, pick color schemes etc...





You cannot customize your store in the admin, you will need to make any changes to the files themselves.


You can start with the knowledge base HERE Not a lot of info but all the stylesheet definitions are there which helps when trying to alter your colors.



To make changes to the header you would need to edit the includes/header.php file

The Knowledge Base is a wonderful thing.

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??


customize header >> ..(catalog)/includes/header.php

add logo >> ..(catalog)/includes/header.php

color schemes >> ..(catalog)/stylesheet.css

I don't see anything in configuration to customize header, add logo, pick color schemes etc...




There is no functionality to perform those sort of customizations in the configuration tool so you aren't missing anything. Those customizations are made by digging into the code. You can also utilize one of the template contributions to make the job a little more approachable as well.


Be well,


If you're not having fun you're not doing it right


Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.


Thank you I found it, but it is not letting me edit... like when I highlight and hit delete, nothing happens...

Thank you I found it, but it is not letting me edit... like when I highlight and hit delete, nothing happens...


The best bet is to download the file from your server to your machine and use a program like Wordpad (Notepad destroys the formatting) and make your changes there.


I would suggest that you then rename the file on the server to be {filename}_old.php or {filename}.old so that if there is a problem with the new file you can recover quickly.


The best way is to run your own "dead" (ie not a real world live) inhouse system so that you are not playing with a live shop. This way you can make as many changes as you want and experiment with different modules along the way without interrupting your live shop and causing problems for customers.






that is good advice... how do set up a dead store...


When I go to edit stylesheet it gives me this error


Error: I can not write to this file. Please set the right user permissions on: ...... /osCommerce/catalog//stylesheet.css

that is good advice... how do set up a dead store...


Ok, easiet way is to grab a copy of XAMPP from http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html and then put it onto a Windows XP box (Will work with 2000, should with 98 but XP is preferred) XAMPP includes Apache web server, MySQL, PHP and a few other programs. You should also grab the patch file:


http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3727 --> Fixes PHP 5 and MySQL 5 problems


Then you can:


Copy the oscommerce d/l into the c:\xampp\htdocs directory

Copy the file from the above contribution to the catalog directory

Open http://localhost/catalog/ and install oscommerce

Create the directory backups in catalog/admin

Rename the directory install to usetoinstall or delete it

Right click on includes/configure.php and make it read only


From there you can then customise the look and feel of oscommerce to your hearts content.


There is a more detailed guide lurking around here somewhere, as this is a brief way of doing it.



When I go to edit stylesheet it gives me this error


Error: I can not write to this file. Please set the right user permissions on: ...... /osCommerce/catalog//stylesheet.css


This would be because the file is set to read only on the server. These changes can be made on your "dead" site without any problems (in theory, remember you are dealing with a microsoft operating system!)


Hope this gets you on your way.






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