tyrant Posted December 10, 2005 Posted December 10, 2005 Problem: Payments made via SECpay module, return an error and do not record the order however the monies are deducted from the card. I have a Merchant I have Activated with My Bank. I Have put a digest key into secpay.php file and sameone into remote password in secpay (Note i just made up a collection of numbers) There are 100's of posts with this problem but none with answers or better still a quick guide to fixing it. If someone could explain the digest key nice and simple, I would dance at their wedding. Please Please Please help sob sob sob.
Guest Posted December 10, 2005 Posted December 10, 2005 Graham, Being a newbie myself at OsCommerce and most of this - I can not help you. However, I wish I could - just to see your dancing *wink* I hope someone can help you quick enough. Best of luck! Barbara
tyrant Posted December 11, 2005 Author Posted December 11, 2005 Graham, Being a newbie myself at OsCommerce and most of this - I can not help you. However, I wish I could - just to see your dancing *wink* I hope someone can help you quick enough. Best of luck! Barbara Hi babes... As of yet no responce from anyone... I get the feeling they either dont love me or have no idea how to fix this problem :(
♥Vger Posted December 11, 2005 Posted December 11, 2005 return an error You'd need to say what the error was before anyone could offer an opinion. Vger
tyrant Posted December 11, 2005 Author Posted December 11, 2005 You'd need to say what the error was before anyone could offer an opinion. Vger The error is this: When an order is placed via SECpay. Secpay deduct the money from the card. However it returns the user http://yoursite/checkout_payment.php , Across the top of the screen a pink bar appears with the comment. payment Error. In addition no order is then recorded and in turn no emails generated... It must be something to do with the digest key. I have been reading so much of this recently but still no solid answer. Once again anyhelp would be sooo welcome.
tyrant Posted December 11, 2005 Author Posted December 11, 2005 The error is this: When an order is placed via SECpay. Secpay deduct the money from the card. However it returns the user http://yoursite/checkout_payment.php , Across the top of the screen a pink bar appears with the comment. payment Error. In addition no order is then recorded and in turn no emails generated... It must be something to do with the digest key. I have been reading so much of this recently but still no solid answer. Once again anyhelp would be sooo welcome. Can anyone see the flaw in this line of code and does anyone know how to fix it? - Digest code part seems to be the problem if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['code'] == 'A' && !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['auth_code']) && empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['resp_code']) && !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['osCsid'])) { // Hard code Digest Key here if required. $DIGEST_PASSWORD = test ; list($REQUEST_URI, $CHECK_SUM) = split("hash=", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ; if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['hash'] != MD5($REQUEST_URI.MODULE_PAYMENT_SECPAY_READERS_DIGEST)) { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, tep_session_name() . '=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS[tep_session_name()] . '&payment_error=' . $this->code, 'SSL', false, false));
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