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Credit Card Help!


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Hi there! I am in desporate need of help, and pretty soon. I just set up a store, "www.schoenclothing.com/catalog", and im running into some problems. I dont understand how i get the money. there is no form where i can set it up to my credit card, and ive done 2 test payments, and it looks like i need to complete the transaction some how, or set up my card through it or something. i dont know what to do. If you could PLEASE help me, that would be greatly appriciated. Thank You!


Lucas Schoen

Schoen Clothing Co.

In the admin area you will have to select which payment methods you want to accept. If you plan on accepting credit cards you will need a merchant account or you can use PayPal. There are many merchant account providers out there (you can start with your bank or do a google search).


i might be skipping ahead a bit by posting this question in here but i'm having some trouble setting up OSC to process credit cards as well.

- i've got my merchant account

- i've got an authorize.net account

- i've got my transaction key

- i've searched thru the forums looking for answers


i'm either finding answers that are over my head and don't make sense to me (cURL, aim, sim, etc... it's all greek to me) or answers that are not as detailed as i was hoping they would be.


is there a plain english set of instructions on how to set up OSC to work with authorize.net? it seemed like it would be pretty easy but for some reason i'm missing something and all i get is "There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again.".


can anyone help us out?

i might be skipping ahead a bit by posting this question in here but i'm having some trouble setting up OSC to process credit cards as well.

- i've got my merchant account

- i've got an authorize.net account

- i've got my transaction key

- i've searched thru the forums looking for answers


i'm either finding answers that are over my head and don't make sense to me (cURL, aim, sim, etc... it's all greek to me) or answers that are not as detailed as i was hoping they would be.


is there a plain english set of instructions on how to set up OSC to work with authorize.net? it seemed like it would be pretty easy but for some reason i'm missing something and all i get is "There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again.".


can anyone help us out?


There doesn't seem to be a OSC how too, however the support staff at authorize.net is very helpful . If you get someone who just wants to send you to the documentation and not answer your questions just either hang up or tell them your exiting chat and go back in.


Under help on when you login to Authorize.net https://secure.authorize.net/ there is How To guides, Glossary of Terms, Under Implementation Guides there is pdf's on how to pick if your using SIM (Simple Intergration Method) or AIM (Advanced Intergration Method) . Mind you I have probably been only doing this a week more than you. It is just a lot of reading, and well worth it because you understand how the process works and what works best for your site as well as if your using Certs or not.


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