scottsw Posted December 10, 2005 Posted December 10, 2005 I just installed the Credit Card with CVV2 contrib and followed the directions. It works fine when submitting an order, but when I log into Admin panel and look at the Order the CVV2 value is blank. I installed the update by Benan. Payment Method: Credit Card Credit Card Type: Master Card Credit Card Owner: asdf asdf Credit Card Number: XXXXXXXXXXX0001 CVV2: Credit Card Expires: 0109 CVV2 part is blank???
rabbitseffort Posted December 10, 2005 Posted December 10, 2005 I just installed the Credit Card with CVV2 contrib and followed the directions. It works fine when submitting an order, but when I log into Admin panel and look at the Order the CVV2 value is blank. I installed the update by Benan. Payment Method: Credit Card Credit Card Type: Master Card Credit Card Owner: asdf asdf Credit Card Number: XXXXXXXXXXX0001 CVV2: Credit Card Expires: 0109 CVV2 part is blank??? here is what I had to do to get the cvv2 to work, do all of this here in the code In checkout_process.php AFTER: 'cc_number' => $order->info['cc_number'], ADD: 'cc_cvv2' => $order->info['cc_cvv2'], In includes/modules/payment/cc.php AFTER: array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER, 'field' => tep_draw_input_field('cc_number')), ADD: array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_CVV2, 'field' => tep_draw_input_field('cc_cvv2')), AFTER: array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER, 'field' => substr($this->cc_card_number, 0, 4) . str_repeat('X', (strlen($this->cc_card_number) - 8)) . substr($this->cc_card_number, -4)), ADD: array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_CVV2, 'field' => $_POST['cc_cvv2']), AFTER: tep_draw_hidden_field('cc_type', $this->cc_type) . ADD: tep_draw_hidden_field('cc_cvv2', $_POST['cc_cvv2']); In includes/languages/english/modules/payment/cc.php AFTER: define('MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER', 'Credit Card Number:'); ADD: define('MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_CVV2', 'CVV2:'); In includes/classes/order.php In the line: $order_query = tep_db_query("select customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, currency, currency_value, date_purchased, orders_status, last_modified from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id . "'"); BETWEEN: cc_number, cc_expires, ADD: cc_cvv2, AFTER: 'cc_number' => $order['cc_number'], ADD: 'cc_cvv2' => $order['cc_cvv2'], AFTER: 'cc_number' => (isset($GLOBALS['cc_number']) ? $GLOBALS['cc_number'] : ''), ADD: 'cc_cvv2' => (isset($GLOBALS['cc_cvv2']) ? $GLOBALS['cc_cvv2'] : ''), In admin/orders.php AFTER: <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo ENTRY_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo $order->info['cc_number']; ?></td> </tr> ADD: <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo ENTRY_CREDIT_CARD_CVV2; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo $order->info['cc_cvv2']; ?></td> </tr> In admin/includes/language/english/orders.php AFTER: define('ENTRY_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER', 'Credit Card Number:'); ADD: define('ENTRY_CREDIT_CARD_CVV2', 'CVV2:'); In admin/includes/classes/order.php In line: $order_query = tep_db_query("select customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, currency, currency_value, date_purchased, orders_status, last_modified from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id . "'"); BETWEEN: cc_number, cc_expires, ADD: cc_cvv2, AFTER: 'cc_number' => $order['cc_number'], ADD: 'cc_cvv2' => $order['cc_cvv2'], then in phpmyadmin or similar run this query exactly as is ALTER TABLE `orders` ADD `cc_cvv2` VARCHAR(4) AFTER `cc_number`; then put the 2 files from credit card with cvv2 to the right places, Credit Card with cvv2but just put the 2 files from this contribution and nothing else it says. This works perfectly. I take no real credit for this, I found the answer I needed when I too had trouble and this is the way that works for me. Good luck, make sure to back up in case of mistakes, but if you follow this exactly you will succeed :thumbsup: "I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings." ---Margaret Mead--- "The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer. --Ken Kesey"
scottsw Posted December 10, 2005 Author Posted December 10, 2005 rabbitseffort, YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!!! Thanks for the reply times a million. It WORKS NOW! What a relief. I found the missing link. I tested it after each change and it still didn't work up untill the very last step you mention. They left that part out of the instructions. Here was the problem: In admin/includes/classes/order.php AFTER: 'cc_number' => $order['cc_number'], ADD: 'cc_cvv2' => $order['cc_cvv2'], They left that step out. Thanks again!
rabbitseffort Posted December 10, 2005 Posted December 10, 2005 rabbitseffort, YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!!! Thanks for the reply times a million. It WORKS NOW! What a relief. I found the missing link. I tested it after each change and it still didn't work up untill the very last step you mention. They left that part out of the instructions. Here was the problem: In admin/includes/classes/order.php AFTER: 'cc_number' => $order['cc_number'], ADD: 'cc_cvv2' => $order['cc_cvv2'], They left that step out. Thanks again! glad I could help bro--Be well :lol: "I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings." ---Margaret Mead--- "The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer. --Ken Kesey"
lmntscom Posted December 16, 2005 Posted December 16, 2005 1054 - Unknown column 'cc_cvv2' in 'field list' any ideas why im getting this error on the checkout_process page?
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