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The e-commerce.

Something different - osC shopping site, minus the shop


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Here it is: www.insidersmelbourne.com


I decided to do something silly and build a shopping & accommodation guide around osCommerce - without any shop/cart. Then I abandoned it for a while, thinking it would have been easier to use Mambo or Xoops or PN etc.. but now I've finally finished it (I hope).


If anyone stumbles across any account/cart pages that might still be accessible please let me know - I think I've got rid of anything that doesn't need to be accessible (like all the 'account' and 'checkout' pages etc).


Also, any SEO suggestions would be very welcome.


Anyway... please let me know what you think :blush:



All I have to say is WOW! I have never seen an OSC implementation like yours. Well done and it even looks good in Firefox. The only other thing that I could think of that would make it perfect is to setup an application module so that people could apply and pay online. :thumbsup:





the design is professional. And good idea to use oscommerce for info guide.


By the way, how do you guys post the thread here? I tried thousands of time to post my new shop for review, but its never show up. I even add the text "powered by oscommerce" in.


BearHappy - I agree about having an online 'add listing' function, I'll eventually get around to doing it. I would have done it already but I'm a bit intimidated by working out how to allow people to upload photos. And I don't even want to think about processing credit cards just yet :)


Simeon - thanks, I think it probably would have been easier using Xoops or Mambo. But I learnt a lot about osCommerce, which I'll hopefully use one day if I make a shop website.


Anyone got any search engine optimization suggestions?

I'm not sure if Google is getting very deep into the site.


Any comments on the adsense placement?


one of the best looking oscommerce sites i've ever seen!


:thumbsup: Thanks everyone, very encouraging comments. Keep in mind that I've got a lot less to worry about than those of you with proper shops (no carts, prices, stock etc)... so I could devote more time to design.


I'm planning on changing the main image to a random photo of 'something Melbourne', once I get enough images together. Or even make it a seasonal/events picture.


I might regret this .. but how about some negative comments/constructive criticism?

What could be improved?


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