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The e-commerce.

getting rid of oscommerce top left image


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how do i get rid of this image link that is the three balls red blue and green that says osCommerce


thanks to all who reply

nevermind figured this one out


I am only able to change it at main_page and graphics in the install directory.


but after changing how can i update the mainpage? install everything again?

I am only able to change it at main_page and graphics in the install directory.


but after changing how can i update the mainpage? install everything again?



just make a graphic or whatever and stick it in the image directory to replace that one or whatever image you wish to replace and name it the same name of the image


the image i talked about was oscommerce.gif

just make a graphic or whatever and stick it in the image directory to replace that one or whatever image you wish to replace and name it the same name of the image


the image i talked about was oscommerce.gif


Well in most cases you really want to name the image something else or you may want to use a jpg. If you look in your includes/header.php file for the following


(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'osCommerce') . '</a>';


Change the image name to the name of the image you want to use and change the osCommerc to the name of your store or whatever alt text you want to have

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