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Checkout_confirmation.php and checkout_process.php problems....


When im on the checkout confirmation page, just under billing address, the following is being displayed:


Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in C:\home\bwear\www\catalog\includes\functions\general.php on line 42

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in C:\home\bwear\www\catalog\includes\functions\general.php on line 42
Payment Method (Edit)
Credit Card


So, i press the confirm order button anyway, and it brings me onto the checkout_process.php page and then the following comes up, this is all that is on the page:


Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 5.5.1 Incorrect command sequence in C:\home\bwear\www\catalog\includes\classes\email.php on line 500

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\home\bwear\www\catalog\includes\classes\email.php:500) in C:\home\bwear\www\catalog\includes\functions\general.php on line 29


I had the infobox_skin_manager_2.0.zip contribution installed before and working fine. Then when i installed image_html_package_1.2 (i think its this contib, the one with 6 SM and XL extra images plus the htmlarea function) all the problems started happening...


Also, when in the admin section, at the bottom of the categories box, there's a link to "Templates". This link has now changed to BOX_HEADING_TEMPLATES, and the links under this category have changed to BOX_TEMPLATES_INFOBOX_MAPPING and BOX_TEMPLATES_INFOBOX. This may have something to do with the checkout problems in general.php


Even though errors are coming up at the end of the checkout process, the order does seem to get placed and is coming up in the admin section.


Anyone have any idea where to start? The url to the site is www.bwear.ie/catalog


Thanks in advance! All help is much appreciated! :)


This may also be related to the same problem above:


Im having problems with the Billing and shipping Address. When i click the checkout button, the Delivery Information is displayed. Under "Shipping Address", there is no address being displayed. So, i click the "change address" button and it brings me into a page to enter my address details, with everything being blank. After i enter my details and hit the "continue" button, a blank white page with the following text comes up:


1062 - Duplicate entry '1-4' for key 1


insert into address_book (customers_id, entry_firstname, entry_lastname, entry_street_address, entry_postcode, entry_city, entry_country_id, entry_gender, entry_company, entry_suburb) values ('4', 'Francis', 'Horan', '263 Galloping Green', 'd18', 'dublin', '103', 'm', 'company name', 'Stillorgan Road,')




This all began happening after i installed the contrib: image_html_package_1.2.zip


Thanks for any help! :-"

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