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The e-commerce.

Compilation of Security Issues


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I'm probably not the right person for this task, but I have been told to create an osCommerce server here at work (I'm really a C++ developer by trade :( ).


So anyway, I tried a ton of different installations and read a hundred posts here about installations on linux/windows/apache/iis, etc. I didn't care about efficiency, security, or anything else. I just wanted to get the server running. Now, after about 3 days and 6 configurations, I have Windows2k Server // IIS 5.0 // PHP 5.0 and osCommerce 2.2 (I think). I'm again readying hundreds of posts (hear and elsewhere online) trying to figure out security issues. I doubt efficiency is an issue do to the nature of the store, but I may look at that after the security holes are plugged.


I would like to know is there a compilation of security issues anywhere on these forums or in the documentation? I'm so ignorant, I don't event know where to begin. I've never set up a web server in my life and our network guy at work has just quit. I'm also wondering if IIS is a bad choice since everything points to running PHP as an Apache module would be much faster than as a CGI (which it is in IIS). Maybe I can find another way to install it in IIS?


Sorry... now I'm rambling




Go to the "Latest News" link on this forums homepage and it'll take you to an updated version of 2.2 MS2, with security and bug fixes pre-applied.




Thank you for the response. That definitely makes me feel better about the osCommerce portion of the installation. I guess I can safely assume osCommerse is secure? Maybe then my curiosities run outside of osCommerce and into Web Server Security, which would then put me outside the scope of these forums :blush:


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