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Strange URL problem


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Before I begin I am purposefully adding a space between the "&" and "amp;" in my post so that it won't just be viewed as "&" after I submit the post.


I just moved my site to a new server with upgraded PHP 4.4.1. The old server was running 4.3.11


I am using SEO url's.


The Problem:

The first time you click on the "Buy" button for a product -- the URL for the buy button in source appears correct with the session id separated by the ascii code for "&" (& amp;)


However, when the page refreshes a new session is started with a different id and the URL on the buy button in source will appear as:

"...mydomain.tld/cat-c-1.html?sort=2a& amp;amp;mtsid=4f98dd1877e9e3f247239c2c97870503& amp;mtsid=a40ec052517c89db51c2f6d3497b9f7e"

As you can see the beginning session id is still in the URL, but before it you see "& amp;amp;" and then you see a new session id (argument) correctly separated by "& amp;" in source. Each time you click a buy button another sess id is added with the same mess.


Also, "& amp;" appears as "& amp;" in the address bar after clicking the button instead of just "&".


Any ideas??? What's at fault here? PHP 4.4.1, SEO URL's, ???.


In source URL should read:

...mydomain.tld/cat-c-1.html?sort=2a& amp;mtsid=cef91b38abf2afe63660013c5a7df9b2


In address bar URL should read:


There's already a thread on this, although I'm not sure the issue is totally resolved. Check it out:

I tried resetting my cache. Didn't work. In the thread you referred to there is mention of setting "Output W3C valid URLs" to disable. I don't see this setting anywhere in admin. Do you know where it is?


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