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Fresh install with CCGV 5.14


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I have just started with a fresh install for a customer's shop on our in house servers and have also installed the CCGV 5.14 and encountered 2 errors. The first one was easily solved, I replaced the general.php file with the originals.


However, I can now only access the admin side as the main page won't display at all.


The error is:


Fatal error: Class 'tableBox' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\catalog\includes\classes\message_stack.php in line 20


which is:


class messageStack extends tableBox {


I am completely at a loss to work out what it could be. Hopefully someone here can spread some wisdom and improve my weekend!






This code should be declared in includes/classes/boxes


It sounds as if this version you're using has overwritten that file with a file which is incomplete.



This code should be declared in includes/classes/boxes


It sounds as if this version you're using has overwritten that file with a file which is incomplete.





G'day Vger,


I'll check that when I start on it again later today and respond here.


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