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The e-commerce.

english language on my site


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my site www.onlinetuning.com/shop/catalog/ doen't work properly. I'v been searching for the problem but i cant find it.


I'm populating our site with easy populate. With easypopulate i give our products a english and dutch description. The main problem is that when i adjust the categories through the admin panel it doesn't save the english copy. I have looked in the database table categories_description and have seen that i't wont save the english version of the categories. It only saves the dutch description uploaded through easypopulate.


can someone helpe me with this problem?

  • 1 month later...

Hi I have the same problem. I am using Swedish and English. I have Swedish as default language and then I am uploading with easypopulate the category isnt editable. I did a work around with a sql script. Take a backup of your shop database (you can do that in osc). Save the backup file to local hdd and edit the file. Go down to

insert into categories_description (categories_id, language_id, categories_name) values ('x', 'y', 'z'); . Your local language has a y number higher than 1 (English is always 1). z is the category name and x is the id number of the category. make a new text file with a .sql ending. copy your categry descriptions to the file and on top add following:


drop table if exists categories_description;

create table categories_description (

categories_id int(11) default '0' not null ,

language_id int(11) default '1' not null ,

categories_name varchar(32) not null ,

PRIMARY KEY (categories_id, language_id),

KEY idx_categories_name (categories_name)



now add for every second line:


insert into categories_description (categories_id, language_id, categories_name) values ('x', '1', 'z');


save the file and install the file to mysql


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