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The e-commerce.

I can't install the program - pleeeaaase help needed


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Hi folks,


I will try again and see if someone can help me here.

Got this message when starting installation:


FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


Have installed the register global patch, not sure I,ve done it right. I unzipped the file, uploaded it to my server (using an remote server) and I deleted the "old files" from the download of oscommerce and put in the new one with the same names from register global contributikn.


Then I tried to open the installationfile in my browser again, but I still get the same message:


FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


My host will not turn off safe mode and I have no access to any php.ini file, at least I don't know where it could be.

Any suggestions?

Do I have to forget using oscommerce?

I really would like to be able to install this program. Seams like it would suit my store perfectly.


I read somwhere here that you could install a php.ini file on the root of the server yourself and that this can be altered. Is this the way to go? If yes, where can I find a file like this to upload?


I really do not have any clue how to get started here, so all help will be geatly appreciated !!!

Please help:-)


Best regards,


Best regards



Hi, I finally got the problem fixed:-) I found something called advanced options in my controlpanel. There I could enable the register global. So now I'm on my way:-))))


Best regards


Best regards



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