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Time to put my site up for expert opinion


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Hot Shot Magic


Well, there it is. Things I plan to change in the near future are the header. For me there is just too much blank realestate there. I would be curious if anyone knows why there is a background color difference on the header when I specify the same hex for all the cells?


I offer my site up for any other suggestions.


Hello Gary


Well i hate to be mean so i won't, but i did find you site plain and a bit boring, its clean and will do the job but other than that i could not see myself saying hmmm looks nice let me take a look around and see what else you have.


Spice it up, be brave what have you to lose then if you dont like it after tone it down again : )


Good luck


I appreciate the feedback. I have a thumbnail contribution almost ready to install, I agree it's rather plain jane...


So far it's getting the sales I had hoped for so I'm happy with that.


A work in progress, not sure what to do next...

I appreciate the feedback. I have a thumbnail contribution almost ready to install, I agree it's rather plain jane...


So far it's getting the sales I had hoped for so I'm happy with that.


A work in progress, not sure what to do next...


How did you put the "shadows" around the boxes?

How did you put the "shadows" around the boxes?


It was a contribution called "Drop_Shadow". A very easy install.



The "Image Magic" contrib is now installed, definite improvement in load times! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

The first thing I look for in a site is what type of credit card do they take. I couldn't find any image on what do you accept.


Just my opinion...





I just had a look at you site and I think it looks good - it's user friendly with good descriptions and good pictures, overall I think it will do well in the right target market. Also I think the mail colour suits it.

In return I would really appreciate if I could get some feedback from you too -

My website has been running now for 3 months and has had thousands of unique visitors, but no one has ordered. Can you please give me any feedback of what you think about the products, prices, and the website in general, I would really appreciate it!!! The website is - www.naturalbodyskincare.com


Much Appreciated and Merry Christmas to You!





I just had a look at you site and I think it looks good - it's user friendly with good descriptions and good pictures, overall I think it will do well in the right target market. Also I think the mail colour suits it.

In return I would really appreciate if I could get some feedback from you too -

My website has been running now for 3 months and has had thousands of unique visitors, but no one has ordered. Can you please give me any feedback of what you think about the products, prices, and the website in general, I would really appreciate it!!! The website is - www.naturalbodyskincare.com


Much Appreciated and Merry Christmas to You!




are you sure the thousands of visitors are not yourself making the site?


Love your mascot!


I agree with the poster above about spicing up the color scheme a bit. Too much white in there.


Run thru your different infobox topics and check for typos. Bad grammar doesn't sell. I caught a few in the shipping & returns section. For example, a line that reads 'best know as' should be 'best KNOWN as'.


Why do you need my date of birth to create an account? I find that kind of odd. Not necessarily a turnoff, just odd.


Any particular reason you ship to the US and Canada only? Foreign buyers are terrific. Sell internationally and you'll make a lot more money. Kids in other countries love magic, too. ;)


Hi there hot shot!


It is a good start, here are some suggestions:


At the moment your shop is rather like an Ebay seller's. Fine if that is the image you wish to portray but if you are really offering superior customer service I suggest you rework the design of the shop (that aqua colour doesn't do it for me or is it particularly appropriate for a magical shop?)


There is too much emphasis on price here imho. The first hurdle should be getting the customers' attention. Possibly raise your prices a bit and establish your credentials with a few articles on magic and include your address and phone number in the contact us section to add more creditbility.


The thumbnail images are possibly a bit large in size (I'm talking size on screen here not filesize)- OK if you are on a large screen but could be somewhat overwhelming at 800 pixels width.




May I be very honest? Overall it's well done. But honestly? With the name of the site, I expected a little more graphic wise. Something sleek, a little more flashy looking you know? It's good but the graphics don't match the name of the site over all. I don't know how to explain it better than that. I know you said you were going to widen the banner, a definite must I think.


As I said in another post just a few minutes ago, I really dislike having to create an account. Might want to add one of the contributions that by-passes that if you think that's a good idea. You paid for the ssl, I'd have the whole store on it. Always looks more professional to me when the icon is there from the start. I think a little more fleshing out the graphics and you will have yourself one extremely "Hot" site lol :)

Run thru your different infobox topics and check for typos. Bad grammar doesn't sell. I caught a few in the shipping & returns section. For example, a line that reads 'best know as' should be 'best KNOWN as'.


Why do you need my date of birth to create an account? I find that kind of odd. Not necessarily a turnoff, just odd.


Any particular reason you ship to the US and Canada only? Foreign buyers are terrific. Sell internationally and you'll make a lot more money. Kids in other countries love magic, too. ;)


Thanks, will be fixing that typo today!


Good point about the DOB. I've removed it but may add it back in when I offer illusions that I intend to sell to adults only.


I may consider going international again in the future, at this point the logistics of shipping small dollar items for big dollar shipping doesn't seem fair to the customers.


I made some changes to the header and it looks a bit better, but I'm baffled by a problem with the background color in the header. The cell that holds the search box has a noticeably different shade than the header image and the cell to the right of it; although both use the same hex color code. Most notable in IE, harder to spot in FF.


This is not a new problem, just one that I've thought about again once playing with the header.

I made some changes to the header and it looks a bit better, but I'm baffled by a problem with the background color in the header. The cell that holds the search box has a noticeably different shade than the header image and the cell to the right of it; although both use the same hex color code. Most notable in IE, harder to spot in FF.


This is not a new problem, just one that I've thought about again once playing with the header.


That was going to be my comment - I didn't like the fact that the header was an obvious different color. try using web colors as a selection in your graphics program.

John Skurka


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