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MSN vs Google


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Just a quick question,


If somebody searches for my main keyword at MSN I come out on top (number 1) in the search results.


If the same keyword is searched in google, my site does not come up at all!


Any ideas why?




Just a quick question,


If somebody searches for my main keyword at MSN I come out on top (number 1) in the search results.


If the same keyword is searched in google, my site does not come up at all!


Any ideas why?




If you could answer that question, I'm sure you'd make a fortune as a SEO consultant.


Just a quick question,


If somebody searches for my main keyword at MSN I come out on top (number 1) in the search results.


If the same keyword is searched in google, my site does not come up at all!


Any ideas why?




Google gives more weight to incoming links than does MSN. I know that I can affect MSN rankings more by onsite improvements than I can Google rankings. If you want to have good Google rankings you must have good quality incoming links from other sites that are related to whatever you sell.

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From what I've seen msn is far more active with spiders than google. They try to get into the seo game seriously from the news and investments I see and hear.


Google uses a differnt method of evaluating a page than MSN does. As a result, it is more difficult to get a decent position on google. If you have chosen your keywords properly and optimized the page for them, you shouldn't have any problem getting a good position on google too.



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Jack, this filtering/evaluation method google uses it may backfire. Imagine a company that monopolizes a product yet it places it in pages that google filters out.


As a very simple example to see what I mean, place a s/w product (say a utility/script you wrote) behind the link exchange program on your site. So google will ignore it while other search engines won't.


Now on a large scale with popular products this can have an impact obviously on the search engine popularity. In the long term. Because if you're an seo vendor and you have popular s/w products (many major companies operate in both domains) you could setup something like this to undermine your seo competition.


I meant this filtering we discuss is when google detects outbound links on a page (or some irrelevant content). Now if it ignores the page will ignore its entire content together with the internal links to products. And typically link exchange pages have all the keywords and layout to be excluded. I just mentioned as an example of course.


So say I have on a page:

Outbound Link-1

Outbound Link-2

Outbound Link-3

Internal Link-1

Outbound Link-4

Outbound Link-5

Outbound Link-6

Outbound Link-7

Outbound Link-8

Product Link-1

Product Link-2

Outbound Link-9

Outbound Link-10


So if the engine say weighs on the number of outbound links to filter out a page, it won't go through the product links as it considers the entire page to have irrelevant content. Of course in this example I placed the outbound links as a factor but you can do combinations.


Now if it doesn't ignore the page it will have to add it in its dbase. So if you search for a keyword you should be able to find the page with all links in it.


On Google.co.uk (I am based in England, it comes up with nothing, i.e. Your search - site:music4showbiz.com - did not match any documents


On google.com (the whole of the web) it comes up with:



Similar pages



Similar pages


weird, but any help / advice would be appreciated.


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