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The e-commerce.

3am online, oscommerce to the max :)


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hallo oscommerce community, i hope you are all having a super day!


i am now nearly done and ready to launch my shop, but before i do that, please won't you guys have a sneak preview and lemme know your thoughts :)





the shop uses the followign contributions,


order editor,

sales report1,

sales report2,

master products,

downloads controller,

osc affiliate,

cdynamic meta tags,

on the fly thumbnailer using gd,

latest news,

featured products,

easy populate,

multiple products manager,




i have spend alot of time trying to make this all work together, and have almost gotten it right, just trying to make downloads controller update stock, once that is done i will move it to it's own server :)


the shop runs alongside phpnuke, and will be seliing cds, mp3's and wave's and some more things later on :)

cool, can't wait to hear your comments,


have a seriously cool day!



hi Mediajuggle!! man your advice helped me a great deal! thank you for that man!! yes it's a work in progress :)

have a real cool day dude!





I see your finally getting it all together... good for you. I'll check backk when your finished.

hi Mediajuggle!! man your advice helped me a great deal! thank you for that man!! yes it's a work in progress :)

have a real cool day dude!




very nice but.


Warning: fopen(/usr/www/users/am3/catalog/cache/_catalog_product_info.php_products_id=2625.meta-cache): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 385


Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 386


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 387



very nice but.


Warning: fopen(/usr/www/users/am3/catalog/cache/_catalog_product_info.php_products_id=2625.meta-cache): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 385


Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 386


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 387


your cookie settings are wrong


nothing gets added to the cart


navigation very confusing, in the shop , out the shop, how to get back in the shop....

Treasurer MFC


thanks amanda, i have fixed the error, the navigation will be confusing as the shop is not ready to be live yet, so i cannot link it to my website, for the same reason, once it's live i will have navigation that can easily take you to the shop and back,




very nice but.


Warning: fopen(/usr/www/users/am3/catalog/cache/_catalog_product_info.php_products_id=2625.meta-cache): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 385


Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 386


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/www/users/am3/catalog/includes/meta_tags.php on line 387

your cookie settings are wrong


nothing gets added to the cart


navigation very confusing, in the shop , out the shop, how to get back in the shop....


Lots of nice applause for your site, apparently, and....I guess I'm in the minority.


I don't like the colors. Way too dark and hard on my eyes.


Not to mention the font size. I found myself having to lean THIS CLOSE to the screen to read my horoscope.


Also, it took me a few minutes to even figure out what this website was about.


And Lord knows how I hate having to scroll from left to right to read it all. I'm using 800X600 resolution.


Your logo took forever and a day to load; I'm on dial-up. And a ton of blank, black space below your photos. Just looks empty.


More than anything, it's the color scheme and tiny fonts that are giving me a headache.


Sorry if this sounds brutal; Lord knows I have my own issues with logo/header load time, but...there you go.


Lighten up the color scheme and increase the font-size of the text; that's my request.




<?php echo what 'Andrea' said; ?>


Is still a very generic osCommerce looking site.


Nice effort but far from complete to my untrained eye.



I just had a look at you site and I think it looks good - well done, everything intact! Love the pictures and the colours.


In return I would really appreciate if I could get some feedback from you too -

My website has been running now for 3 months and has had thousands of unique visitors, but no one has ordered. Can you please give me any feedback of what you think about the products, prices, and the website in general, I would really appreciate it!!! The website is - www.naturalbodyskincare.com


Much Appreciated and Merry Christmas to You!





Hallo Andrea! thanks for your opinions and looking at the site, much appreaciated, i tried very hard too keep everyone happy but alas ;) you see my site si built for 1004px thus, 1024x768 will work fine, even 1152x864 and up ofcourse ... i decided to drop 800x600 support because it's just a mission, in a world of 17" monitors, 1024x768 is just fine for me ... and most of my visitors :)


the site is all about psytrance, psychedelic trance, a form of electronic music :)


i don't even thi nk yahoo still supports 800x600 hehe that's stone age :D


as far as the logo goes ... yes i had to decide between quality and speed, i choose quality, the file itself is about 200k jpg, i tried png, but the size difference wasn't taht much ...


any how thanks for checking it out, sorry it didn't work out for you ...


Lots of nice applause for your site, apparently, and....I guess I'm in the minority.


I don't like the colors. Way too dark and hard on my eyes.


Not to mention the font size. I found myself having to lean THIS CLOSE to the screen to read my horoscope.


Also, it took me a few minutes to even figure out what this website was about.


And Lord knows how I hate having to scroll from left to right to read it all. I'm using 800X600 resolution.


Your logo took forever and a day to load; I'm on dial-up. And a ton of blank, black space below your photos. Just looks empty.


More than anything, it's the color scheme and tiny fonts that are giving me a headache.


Sorry if this sounds brutal; Lord knows I have my own issues with logo/header load time, but...there you go.


Lighten up the color scheme and increase the font-size of the text; that's my request.




Hi Martha! thanks for checking out my site! and thansk for teh comments,

but first off, your code will not work i'm afraid ...


here's my edit :D



/*edited by riaan*/

echo 'what Andrea said';



should work just fine ;)


now onto the site ....


as far as generic goes, i can assure you it's far from that, the site is really customised with a bunch of added features and contributions ... i payd special attention to detail, for instance ... my submit boxes ... oh ja and before i forget, if your using internet explorer as your browser most of thsi you will not see, internet explorer sucks! really it does!! if your a designer you will know, things like png tranceparency, table rollovers, css2 ...

the list goes on, you should try firefox! i think you'll liek it :)


any how, cool thanks for checking it out,




<?php echo what 'Andrea' said; ?>


Is still a very generic osCommerce looking site.


Nice effort but far from complete to my untrained eye.


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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