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Credit cards do not process


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Let's say you get all the way to the confirm order page. You've entered your credit card information and everything, and you click Confirm Order, and then it takes you to the checkout_success.php page. You think everything has gone well, but aren't you supposed to get a response from the gateway about whether your credit card was accepted or declined? I seem to remember when I was setting this up and testing it a few months ago that my test orders with the fake number gave me some kind of message telling me that my card was approved. But now, after you get this success page, that's it. No email to the store owner indicating an order (although the customer gets one), nothing in the gateway account, nothing charged. The order does show up in admin, however.


Is this an oscommerce problem, or a gateway problem? Has ANYONE ever used the usight gateway module successfully? There have been some questions posted about it about a year ago, but no helpful answers. The usight people are also remarkably unhelpful. Any clues?





Why not check This out:


That's a really neat service, but doesn't help at all. My client already has this silly uSight gateway and just wants to be able to process credit cards. All I want to know is what is supposed to happen after the customer clicks confirm order - are they supposed to get a message about their credit card being accepted or declined, and is the credit card number supposed to be sent somewhere.


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