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Tare weight per category


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I have been unable to find information about this. I am setting up a store with multiple media (CD, 12" vinyl, 7" vinyl, etc.). Packaging for each medium is different, and weight can be significant, so I'd like to set up a tare weight per category (medium, in this case). Is there a contribution for this? Am I missing something in the shipping setup?

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Todd, I have the same question, but haven't turned my research in that direction yet. If you get a good answer and wouldn't mind to forward it to me, I'll return the favor to the big bank in the sky.



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I have been unable to find information about this. I am setting up a store with multiple media (CD, 12" vinyl, 7" vinyl, etc.). Packaging for each medium is different, and weight can be significant, so I'd like to set up a tare weight per category (medium, in this case). Is there a contribution for this? Am I missing something in the shipping setup?


simply add the field to the category table and use that field in the shipping modules you use.

You do need to consider how to process orders with products from different categories and thus different tare weights though.

Treasurer MFC

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  • 1 month later...

Sounds very nice but people like me who never did any hacking might need a little more explanation.


Could you please give a little more details on how to accomplish this? How do I add a field in the category table? How should I modifiy the shipping rate module (for example, table rate shipping module).


thanks from advance



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