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Physical Printed Gift Certificates


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I've checked out CCGV and the issue I have is it doesn't appear to have the capability of creating a "blind" gift certificate you can simply print up and give just anyone. I would like to be able to do this.


For example, if I have some local event or contest or whatever, I could take a handful of those gift certificates to give out to winners or for whatever reason. I can hand them something physical, with logos and design and everything, but if they want one of my products they have to go to the website and "purchase" it with the credit.


Promotionally, it's a good idea. Instead of just handing out product directly, it gets the consumers in question into the habit of going to your webstore.


The trick of course would be tracking gift certificates created thus, but basically each one would be a single use code they have to enter in (I'd assume). I could see basically using a number generator to create the code, and storing it in the database with an entry attached for the value. After that though, allowing the customer account to use it as cash is where my knowledge of sql starts to fall down.


Is there anything like this? Or something about CCGV I missed?

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I've checked out CCGV and the issue I have is it doesn't appear to have the capability of creating a "blind" gift certificate you can simply print up and give just anyone. I would like to be able to do this.


For example, if I have some local event or contest or whatever, I could take a handful of those gift certificates to give out to winners or for whatever reason. I can hand them something physical, with logos and design and everything, but if they want one of my products they have to go to the website and "purchase" it with the credit.


Promotionally, it's a good idea. Instead of just handing out product directly, it gets the consumers in question into the habit of going to your webstore.


The trick of course would be tracking gift certificates created thus, but basically each one would be a single use code they have to enter in (I'd assume). I could see basically using a number generator to create the code, and storing it in the database with an entry attached for the value. After that though, allowing the customer account to use it as cash is where my knowledge of sql starts to fall down.


Is there anything like this? Or something about CCGV I missed?


Well, I've generated numbers using CCGV and then had FREE DOWNLOAD cards printed up and giving out at clubs and events.


CCGV can already generate numbers so that's no big deal. What problem are you having?

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