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The e-commerce.

Which contribution do you recommend?


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We have come up with our own coding to have "Members" receive 20% but I am not totally happy with it.


What would recommend for a Store that the general public pays full retail and "Members" pay 20% less.


Reatil: 100.00

Member Deal: 80.00 (20% off)

You save: $20.00 on this product



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There are many contribs that can do that for you. Since that's the case, I'd say just try one. I've added 2 contribs and they both are excellent. There are so many people needing the same things and the contributors here have made it available for everyone.


I'm not sure at all if you'll go wrong with a random one that does what you need. Before you grab any, read up on them.. Check out the various ones that fit your needs. There are so many contribs out there, it's hard to just QUICKLY DECIDE which one you want,... not unless that one is 100% down to bone exact the way to need it.


Tip: Do a search here and within your results,,,, target the posts that have the many, many views. Like I did yesterday and searched here and found a thread that talked about exactly what I needed. Some threads will have 10's - 100's of thousands of views. You may even have to read through some of the pages to find the answer you're needing before you decide to go for the contrib or not.


The contrib I got last night came from a thread that was started in July of 2004. I searched for what I needed... refining my search criteria, and found the contribs "Multi Products Manager" and "Multi Vendor Shipping" (started 2004)". They are two great contribs.


Hope that helps!



"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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