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Customer paid, but didn't click final confirmation--order not processed?


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A guy just bought an item, paid via paypal, but logged off before confirmation / final step. Although I see him as a customer, I don't see his order since he never confirmed it (I did get paid and everything is sorted via e-mail with him as to what he wanted).


However, is there any way I can get in and finish the process from the administrator side, or do I have to hope/pray he comes back and logs in and clicks that final page?

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Hi. I kept having this problem and ended up manually adding the

orders into the database until I finally installed:


Attitude Simple Manual Order Entry


With that Contribution, you can access the customer's shopping

cart and finish their order.


Attitude Simple Manual Order Entry

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A guy just bought an item, paid via paypal, but logged off before confirmation / final step. Although I see him as a customer, I don't see his order since he never confirmed it (I did get paid and everything is sorted via e-mail with him as to what he wanted).


However, is there any way I can get in and finish the process from the administrator side, or do I have to hope/pray he comes back and logs in and clicks that final page?


If you install a paypal ipn contribution it will solve the problem of the customers not coming back to your site and the order being completed

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Do you have a problem? Have you checked out Common Problems?

There are many very useful osC Contributions

Are you having trouble with a installed contribution? Have you checked out the support thread found Here

BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

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If you install a paypal ipn contribution it will solve the problem of the customers not coming back to your site and the order being completed



Thanks for the advice. I'll hand update the one and try the IPN (by the way, what does that mean?). I'll give that a shot.


Now if I can just get the handling charge to process with the UPS module...but that's another post I suspect.

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