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okay from the installation of the database on the server.

I put in localhost (though I don't fully understand why, when the server is kissmecomix.com)

but anyhoo


I get this error:


Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (46)


I'm new to php and sql so could someone walk me through this?





I would appreciate the help, I would send a free comic book as a "thank you".

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Well, kissmecomix.com is unlikely to be the database server. If localhost isn't working, then your mySQL server is whatever you set up like data.kissmemcomix.com or something. Your web host should have instructions on how to set up a new database and what you should use as the host name, etc.


If you can't find this info, tell us who your host is and we can look and see if they have the information posted somewhere public.

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Thanks flood I'm using yahoo's web hosting service and upon looking closer at what the php was saying you're right it's running on kissmecomix.com the user kmc_store @ localhost.


So am I right in assuming that localhost is where I want to start


then, how do I get around the error?

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