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backgroud border style (shadow)


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i am using css width at my site

and i wan to make the background like this site http://www.kuanto.it/ or


how can i add this shadow style to my web store



Hi there


you need to create two extra columns <td> at ethier side of your main content, make them approx 10 px wide


then you need to apply css that will tile a background image inside the columns, you will have to create the image in photoshop (or any other imge editing package fireworks etc...) using the gradient tool.


add this css to your stylesheet




width 10px

background-image: url(gradient.gif);

background-repeat: repeat-y



then apply this css class to your column <td class="shadowLeft">



that should do the trick, you may need to create a gradient left image and a gradient right image.

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Instead of all that you can just use my Fixed Width Site With CSS contribution. You put one tag in the header, one in the footer, and add a small amount of code to the stylesheet.css file and it's done. It doesn't get any easier than this, and it works across all major browsers.



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Instead of all that you can just use my Fixed Width Site With CSS contribution. You put one tag in the header, one in the footer, and add a small amount of code to the stylesheet.css file and it's done. It doesn't get any easier than this, and it works across all major browsers.



i am using this. thank you very much

can you show that too? How?

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