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Website getting slower and slower


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Hi All,

Our website is getting slower and slower every day. In the beginning, everything is ok. Now after we get some visitors, the response time become slower and slower. But we only get 2 - 3 visitors at a time, that shouldn't make a difference. We called the hosting company. They told us that nothing has changed. Can anyone give us some suggestions?


Thank you very much.


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Can you please post a link to your website?


You might need to install the Contribution:


Create Indexes Automatically


I had a slow website and that solved my problem.



Thank you for your help.


Here is the link to our website: www.pickwireless.com


Initially, our website works fine. Later, it's getting slower. Now it's even worse. Sometime we get "Cannot find server". We called the hosting company many times. They cannot find anythong wrong on the server. The problem is that sometimes it works fine, sometimes very slow and serveral times a day "cannot find server".




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Thanks for posting the link.


I am sure that someone will have some tips.


I do recommend the Create Indexes because it is like

a roadmap for your pages, so they don't have to keep

getting directions, if that makes any sense.


One other thing I noticed is that you have several

different tables, which are well-done, but I don't see

the width of many of them defined. I have read that

if you don't define your table sizes that the page can

take longer to load. I don't know if that is causing

your problem.


My site used to be with a different web host and it

was slow to load. I ended up enlisting a free service

called Vertain Monitoring to keep track of how

long it took for my home page to load and send

me a report. Using them helped me to pinpoint

that the problem was my hosting service. They also

have a page on their site that compares the speeds

and reliability of some web hosts. I liked the service

so much that I signed up for the full monitoring service.


I'm sure that there are several other companies out

there that can monitor the loading times, too, though.

That's just the one I chose.

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Thank you very much for your suggestions. my database tables are very small. Do I need index for them? Also can you suggest some good web hosting companies?




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Choosing a host has many factors, but if you are looking at

speed and reliability, this page can give you some guidance:


Speed and Uptime


The report definitely doesn't have all hosts on there and I'm

sure there are other resources out there that have similar

information, so I recommend going to your favorite search

engine and doing some research on web hosts. There are

definitely some good, reliable hosts that aren't on that report,

but I know this forum isn't the place to discuss this and I

cannot personally endorse any webhosts.

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Karl, I did play little bit with your web site, and guess what it seems for me very responding, it is not slow at all.






Hi Nacer,

Here is our problem:

1. most of the time it works just fine.

2. Sometimes it's very slow.

3. Very few times we get "cannot find server" on the title bar, and "the page cannot be dispalyed" inside the page. On the bottom of the page it says "cannot find server or DNS problem".


Do you think this may be a server problem or could be a coding problem?




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  • 1 month later...
Hi Nacer,

Here is our problem:

1. most of the time it works just fine.

2. Sometimes it's very slow.

3. Very few times we get "cannot find server" on the title bar, and "the page cannot be dispalyed" inside the page. On the bottom of the page it says "cannot find server or DNS problem".


Do you think this may be a server problem or could be a coding problem?





I would definitely guess that it would be your host. Intermittent problems aren't code.


I am looking into a problem with my site where Firefox is fine (Fast!) but internet Explorere takes forever, and I usually run out of patience for the pix to load. (avg. pic 20K, 1300 items). I don't know what the browser has to do with it(yet), but I thought I 'd throw that out there...

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I am looking into a problem with my site where Firefox is fine (Fast!) but internet Explorere takes forever,

I had to laugh at this one. My site is just the opposite. IE loads well and firefox takes forever to load images.


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Tim, i loaded you site with IE and firefox and both loaded very fast.


karl, i also loaded you site with both and again i see no problems, i had the same sort off problem with my site about 5 mys ago with the speed and the cannot find server thingy, i keeped tell my host but they said nothing was wrong on there side, in the end i spoke to a bloke who worked for my hosting company and he moved me to a new box "not sure what a box is : )" but it worked like a dream, not once in 5 Mt's has my site gone down or been slow.


So i would have a word again with them if i was you.


Kind regards

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