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Product Attributes add on for text boxes


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Is there an add on or way in the product attributes section to create a product option and then give it a blank text box option value so when my customer selects the product, he/she can type in the option value.


For example my company sells furniture and customers need to select 1 of 600 fabrics. Here's how it goes:


Pick furniture


Select body fabric

Select piping

Select pillow fabric

Select pillow piping

Down upgrade? +$100


The out of the box version makes me create 600 option values, then tie those option values to 4 different product options, for 50 pieces of furniture. The product options show up (live) as 4 drop downs with 600 option values in each drop down.


By my calculations, I have 600 x 4 x 50 product attributes to create. ...= 120,000 Product attributes???


Number 1, it seems like there has to be a better way.

Number 2, the customer will be overwhelmed.


My site has the fabric colors and numbers for viewing. I think it would be easiest if the customer jots down the fabric numbers and then types them into a blank option value text box.


Please help. Thanks.

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