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Need module that lets me charge credit cards at later date


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Is there a way to be able to charge credit cards at a alter date after they make the order? Right now I am using authorize.net consolidated module but sometimes the order made is out of stock and instead of having to go through the process of refunding them i'd like to simply be able to only charge the cards for the orders that are in stock.


Is there a way to do this?




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You need to code in checking to see if a product is in stock. In stock, do a sale, out of stock, do an authorization. Be warned that authorizations go stale after a few days, and some processors drop it all together after a week. What I normally do (new to OSC so not sure if this is possible or how yet). I always do authorizations, then a sale right before shipment. If the product is out of stock, I do the authorization, and remove it during the nightly batch. After the product comes in, I do a sale before shipment.


As I stated, I am very new to OSC, and I was hoping this type of processing was already coded in. I use netone and didn't find a working netone module. Just coded a module and it is working, just need to add in all the functions I want. But, still trying to grapple with learning this beast!


Good luck

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