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Local Development Shop To Server Online Shop


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Ok so I now have a local development shop on my home PC and an installation on the remote live webserver


I have an FTP package


Given that this situation was arrived at through a lot of help and luck I guess there will be a lot of modification required


My questions are

  1. Can I literally upload via the FTP from the local to the live site or is there a more subtle way of updating files?
  2. What is best practice with regard to the location of the database on the local site and the live site?
  3. Should the local database be located in the same location as the live site?
  4. Are there any specifics I should think about when uploading a database (or for that matter downloading) from local to live site?

I would be very grateful for any hints/tips or guidance that you can give me


Thanks & Regards



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Q1. Can I literally upload via the FTP from the local to the live site or is there a more subtle way of updating files?

A1. You can ftp your files to your server and it shouldn't be a problem. However, if you haven't done so already, you'll probably need to change some of your permissions on the remote server.

Q2. What is best practice with regard to the location of the database on the local site and the live site?

A2. As far as that part is concerned.. all you have to do is transfer your database to your "mysql folder" directory on the remote server.

Q3. Should the local database be located in the same location as the live site?

A3. Your database on your localhost is more than likely on the same server as your web site. Your remote database server is on the same server the web site is on. But it doesn't matter where your database is located, as long as you can connect to it. But to make it faster and easier... the database should be on the server for which the site is on.

Q4. Are there any specifics I should think about when uploading a database (or for that matter downloading) from local to live site?


no#1. Backup ALL your data BEFORE attempting.

no#2. Double check your permissions on your localhost and your remote host.

no#3. Use ssh to do your transferring, if possible.

no#4. Log your localhost record count (before transferring) against the uploaded records.



Those few ideas should give you a starting point I hope.


Hope that helps!




"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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Q1. Can I literally upload via the FTP from the local to the live site or is there a more subtle way of updating files?

A1. You can ftp your files to your server and it shouldn't be a problem. However, if you haven't done so already, you'll probably need to change some of your permissions on the remote server.

Q2. What is best practice with regard to the location of the database on the local site and the live site?

A2. As far as that part is concerned.. all you have to do is transfer your database to your "mysql folder" directory on the remote server.

Q3. Should the local database be located in the same location as the live site?

A3. Your database on your localhost is more than likely on the same server as your web site. Your remote database server is on the same server the web site is on. But it doesn't matter where your database is located, as long as you can connect to it. But to make it faster and easier... the database should be on the server for which the site is on.

Q4. Are there any specifics I should think about when uploading a database (or for that matter downloading) from local to live site?


no#1. Backup ALL your data BEFORE attempting.

no#2. Double check your permissions on your localhost and your remote host.

no#3. Use ssh to do your transferring, if possible.

no#4. Log your localhost record count (before transferring) against the uploaded records.

Those few ideas should give you a starting point I hope.


Hope that helps!



Kevin any knowledge/guidance helps - thankyou. I dont know whether others find this, but the learning curve gets steeper because there is so much to take in when you are new to this


Thank you



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