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How to capture opt in users using oscommerce


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Well its my opinion that OSCOMMERCE registration module is quite disadvantagous because it doesnt capture registration easily is there a way perhaps a popup that can be integrated to get clients email address alone so that you can perhaps guide them to register.


Regards :thumbsup:


my store is www.buyafricanmusic.com/themall/


well, elaborate on "it doesnt capture registration easily"

Treasurer MFC

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well, elaborate on "it doesnt capture registration easily"


For instance its very hard for a prospective client to get registered because registration is not made easy.


Or does it depend on the template one is using.


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For instance its very hard for a prospective client to get registered because registration is not made easy.


Or does it depend on the template one is using.



well, yes ofcourse, the more fields you require, the more validity check you perform and thus more error messages you generate, the more intimidating it becomes.


So limit the fields to the absolute minimum for order processing, limit the field validation to absolute necessity and make the form as small as possible so that the user sees the "continue" button right away. If they have to scroll down to see that button, the form is perceived bigger than it really is.


Make sure your tab order is set right and that on page-entry the cursor is already on the first field so they do not need to point there first.

Treasurer MFC

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