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Need help developing payment module


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I wish I could do this myself, but I've no experience with it. :( I'm in need of a payment module for AlertPay.com - this is a relatively new processor, but all signs point to it being a good competitor to Paypal that isn't going to go away. I really need this module, as I'm sure many others do or will - I'd like to stay away from using Paypal at this point.


AlertPay support said their people are busy working on adding new features to their service and that they had tried to contact someone at osC that might be able to work up a payment module on the osC end, but had no response. If you would like to work on this module, please email [email protected] with what you need, and I was told they would forward it to their engineers. Their support seems to be pretty fast.


I'm at a loss for what else to do here - any help would be appreciated!!


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My experience with processors is that they won't do a module coded for a particular piece of software. Most will give you examples of how to access their gateway with differing languages. If these guys do that, count yourself lucky. If they do the module, then they should be your friend for a long time!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'lll sign up with them if I can get a payment system to work.

I cant believe how many issues there are with payment modules. After all this is a shopping cart! Yes the features are nice but if our customer's dont have an easy way to check out then they wont.

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