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Accounts - what if my customers don't want to sign up?


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I want to make a customisation that allows my customers to just buy an item without having to sign up and create an account. I am expecting many one=off purchases and I only accept payPal so I get the address in the PayPal payment anyway. How can I do this?

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I want to make a customisation that allows my customers to just buy an item without having to sign up and create an account. I am expecting many one=off purchases and I only accept payPal so I get the address in the PayPal payment anyway. How can I do this?



that's why there's the PWA (Purchase Without Account) contribution...

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thanks - got a link for it?


Hi I'm also working on the same thing. Check out these links.






Fast Easy checkout sounds like a better option as this has a purchase without account feature in it and it makes the check out process faster. I'm about to try to install it and see how it goes...

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