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Default Currency


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I am customising my store. I set the default currency as British Pounds with US dollars as an option - now I find that when I open the catalog page that the prices are still displayed in USD as a default. As my main target market is Uk this is rather inconvenient for them to say the least - how can I FORCE it to be British Pounds when the page is loaded?

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I am customising my store. I set the default currency as British Pounds with US dollars as an option - now I find that when I open the catalog page that the prices are still displayed in USD as a default. As my main target market is Uk this is rather inconvenient for them to say the least - how can I FORCE it to be British Pounds when the page is loaded?



I changed my currency to NZD as default, I set my nzd value to 1.00000

Then placed the USD and AUD that i am using to the correct exchange rate values against the NZD


This seems to have worked fine


I now show correct prices on all options.


The only problem I have now is that since the change I need to do a refresh to get the site to size itself correctly on screen...

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The ONLY way I could actually get Pounds to work properly as a default currency was to edit eh entry for USD - changed it to pounds and set as default - this wirked. I then re-added USD afterwards as a second currency

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