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Need to have the users login before they can view the store


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I was looking for some generic directions on how to move the login information to a seperate page. Basically I don't want anyone to view the e-store until they've logged in. So when customers go to the web site, they are forced to login first (don't need the ability for someone to create a user id) and then after they login it takes them to the main index page. I started playing around a bit, but I thought if someone would just point me in the right directions on things it would help out a lot.


We're a private wholesale distributor, so I only want certain customers to have access to the web site. I will create all of their user id information and then just e-mail it to them (that's why I don't want someone to have the ability to create their own and then view the site). Initially I just protected the directory with .htaccess, but that requires the person to essentially log-in twice (once to access the catalog directory, and then again to create an order). Plus I don't know why, but when I protected the catalog directory I'm forced to enter login/pass 3 times before it loads everything completely.. but that's another post.



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