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Creating a working copy on a personal computer


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I was wondering what steps would be needed to install a working copy of osC on my personal computer to reduce the amount of time I'm online when editing the layout. Right now I have it installed via a SSL and I would have to implement something similar to my home Apache server.


Should I do a "new" install then copy files over or just download the entire thing from the server and launch it that way?

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More information here, since I reread what I had posted and it makes sense, sorta, but not really clear sense.


I've got Apache/PHP/MySQL/Perl setup on my computer as localhost. I can even get osCommerce to work quite well on it. However, what I am wanting to do is have a "duplicate" of the one that is located on my server behave/act/function exactly like the one on my home computer. This way I can go in and edit where I need to without having to constantly upload changes and see what they look like.


Would the best way be to have the home based osC "reload" using the server based osC's DB or would it be easier to just go through the entire process of configuring the home based one like the server based one?

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Here's what you need to do.


Go to your online osC admin panel, under Tools --> Backup and elect to download a backup of your database.


Then go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin (if you haven't got it you'll need to install it). Select the database you use locally, select all of the tables and then 'drop' them. Then you click on the SQL tab and use the Browse function to locate the backup of your online database which you downloaded to your computer. Then you click the 'Go' button and your offline database will be the same as your online one.


You won't be able to link from your home computer dynamically to your online database, because you would be prevented from doing so by the server firewall.



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Thank you, thank you. That worked perfectly. Now I can mess around with the layout code to my heart's content and be able to run back to the original server to get a good copy when I make mook out of it.

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