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Authnet "declined" orders getting Logged


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Customers who attempt to complete order through the Authorize.net payment gateway and get declined are logged as orders in the database. They are logged as "pending" orders that show on the home page of the Admin. However, those orders do not show up anywhere else in the admin so my store owner cannot delete them. They are forever shown and included in the Pending order numbers on the Admin home page.


I have gone in and directly removed them from the database but I can't do this for my client (store owner) all the time.)


What, if anything, can I modify in the Authnet module so that "declined" orders do not get posted in the DB.




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Customers who attempt to complete order through the Authorize.net payment gateway and get declined are logged as orders in the database. They are logged as "pending" orders that show on the home page of the Admin. However, those orders do not show up anywhere else in the admin so my store owner cannot delete them. They are forever shown and included in the Pending order numbers on the Admin home page.


I have gone in and directly removed them from the database but I can't do this for my client (store owner) all the time.)


What, if anything, can I modify in the Authnet module so that "declined" orders do not get posted in the DB.





I've experienced this same issue with the plug n pay payment module. It has been several months since I attempted to solve the problem, so I do not remember the exact flow of the process. But from what I remember the row which creates the pending order is written before sending the transaction to the payment processor. If the transaction happens to fail there is no process in place to clean up that particular row. It seemed to be a fairly ugly issue to fix and with more pressing issues was placed on the back burner. Perhaps someday if my workload ever subsides I'll revisit the issue. Sorry I don't have a solution for you. However you might check the contributions and do some searching of the forums. Someone may have solved it since last time I looked.


Be well,


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