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The e-commerce.

Host is blocking emails


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So I've got osCommerce set up and ready to go for a client. But email is not working - no orders goinng through or anything generated by the site. After some trial an error, we figured that the host has enabled a security measure to block all outgoing emails that are sent by 'nobody' to keep outside scripts from using them to relay spam.


Is there a way around this? I have the email address for the site in the database for the "From" field. Is there a way around this issue? The host is very reluctant to turn off the secutity measure at this time.

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So I've got osCommerce set up and ready to go for a client. But email is not working - no orders goinng through or anything generated by the site. After some trial an error, we figured that the host has enabled a security measure to block all outgoing emails that are sent by 'nobody' to keep outside scripts from using them to relay spam.


Is there a way around this? I have the email address for the site in the database for the "From" field. Is there a way around this issue? The host is very reluctant to turn off the secutity measure at this time.



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So I've got osCommerce set up and ready to go for a client. But email is not working - no orders goinng through or anything generated by the site. After some trial an error, we figured that the host has enabled a security measure to block all outgoing emails that are sent by 'nobody' to keep outside scripts from using them to relay spam.


Is there a way around this? I have the email address for the site in the database for the "From" field. Is there a way around this issue? The host is very reluctant to turn off the secutity measure at this time.


well, then ask your host what it takes (addresses-wise) to get the emails out.

Treasurer MFC

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in short, NEVER ask a host WHY it does not work, ask HOW it WILL work.


Duly noted. I did need to figure out the problem though.


Seems like there should be some kind of work around for this though...my host can't be the only one who is blocking outside scripting to prevent spammers from using his server. Unless he's got it set up wrong....

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Duly noted. I did need to figure out the problem though.


Seems like there should be some kind of work around for this though...my host can't be the only one who is blocking outside scripting to prevent spammers from using his server. Unless he's got it set up wrong....


Check out this thread..


Email Was Spamed


There's a fix to the spamming problem and you might find an answer for your host...

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