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Upgrade? Critique design - appliance store


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  • 2 weeks later...
I would appreciate some feedback on this Appliance Store project that we did a while back: Home Appliance Superstore


It needs some work and i would be very open to feedback.


How easy would it be to upgrade to the CVS while retaining the design?


Trust me, I don't know anything about anything, but here's my comments:


I have a super fast 16Mbps line, and your site still lagged. Probably a bottleneck from your host.


2nd, I loved your stuff so much I was almost ready to bring out my credit card, but thankfully "ads by Google" gave me a different option. I can't think of a time that I wanted a banner on my site to direct traffic away from me. Scrap that!

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Overall design looks good, nice clean template. My comments are designed to give constructive feedback to make the rest better!


I would recommend removing the date and requests from the footer.

Also remove the relevant queriers from the template to speed up loading times.


Third vote for a thumbnail contribution.


No unit of currency comes up - and you have no georpaphical data your page letting me know if you can ship to me (I am in the UK).


Do you really need your customers date of birth? This can be turned off in admin.


BarBecues-> ???? Check spelling!


With no formatting or line breaks, your product descriptions are very hard to read! Also, don't just list features but sell the benefits - make the customer want one! Why can't they live without it? How much time will it save? How much better than the competitors is your product?


Keep it going!

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