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New products not appearing on the website


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Hello all,

Admittedly, I'm a rookie to this osCommerce app. I've just taken over the upkeep on a small website, and the first thing they had me do was update the inventory, to include adding about 60 new products.


I used Excel and uploaded the .txt file, and when I am in the Categories/Products area I can see all of the new inventory listed no problem.


Trouble is, when I'm on the website, I don't see any of the new categories or products. Did I miss something? Is there a magic last step to publishing that isn't evident?


Any help would be appreciated,



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ok what is the web addy?


In the interest of humility, it's not my site design, so that topic is off limits! hehe... the website is http://www.cosmo-tots.com


Today I added a bunch of new inventory and none of it shows up, not sure if there's some last button to hit - like I said earlier, I can see the inventory in the Admin section.



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In the interest of humility, it's not my site design, so that topic is off limits! hehe... the website is http://www.cosmo-tots.com


Today I added a bunch of new inventory and none of it shows up, not sure if there's some last button to hit - like I said earlier, I can see the inventory in the Admin section.





did you mark the products as "in stock" I was having this problem last night and I found that I had them out of stock so they were not showing. Make sure they are marked as "in stock" HTH

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Hello all,

Admittedly, I'm a rookie to this osCommerce app. I've just taken over the upkeep on a small website, and the first thing they had me do was update the inventory, to include adding about 60 new products.


I used Excel and uploaded the .txt file, and when I am in the Categories/Products area I can see all of the new inventory listed no problem.


Trouble is, when I'm on the website, I don't see any of the new categories or products. Did I miss something? Is there a magic last step to publishing that isn't evident?


Any help would be appreciated,




Make sure all the products are "ACTIVE". Check the green bullet next to the product listing. Hopefully that fixes it.

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Yes, thanks - they are all listed as 'in stock.' Although the Date Available area is blank - does this matter? The .xls that was sent to me to use had all of the dates as 0000-00-00 00:00:02.





Thanks, Vondada - everything I ran in today also has the status marked as 'Active.'




I'm not trying to be coy with my answers, either, I just have no idea what to check until prompted. Thanks!

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Okay so now this might invite a little deserved ribbing if true - I'm reviewing some of the past inventory in place (things that are currently showing up) and all of a sudden I'm wondering... Do I have to create the individual .html pages for each product myself? And hard code them on to the .html 'categories' pages?


That'll be crappy if so. If the whole inventory is in the db, why aren't the pages just drawn dynamically from the db?



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