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The e-commerce.

5 for $10 if items priced different


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If say.. you have wickets... 3.95 each, and wickets that come as double wickets for 7.90 each and some that come as tripple wickets for 11.85 each


And you want to put these all on the "push list".. sell them out.. so now you want to make it


5 wickets for $10


except that..

the double wickets would count as two wickets, not one

the triple wickets would count as three wickets, not one


so say you ordered 8 wickets plus 1 double wicket.. you would get it for $10


BUT.. you could not order 10 double wickets or 10 triple for $10


I hope this makes sense...


Is there a way to set this up???????


... Cleo

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