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The e-commerce.

Outlandish Requirement...


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I've used OSCommerce before in the past, everything is fine and great, I enjoyed using it and didn't have any hitches to speak of. Now I have a new client with a very unique idea for his cart... it would be easier to describe my need at slight length as it's a tad complicated.


We are creating a website that will sell products to the consumer market directly from the designer. We aren't exactly a retailer, we will be acting more as a direct portal from the clothing designer to the average-joe consumer for a small fee per item sold.


The catch is, we will act only as the facade. We provide the site, cart, info, photos... and etc. However, we want to leave the order collection and shipping end to the designers themselves. We will have more that one designer... possible 30 or more.


We will collect the money from the orders via Pay Pal (a question on that later), and hold the total until the designer ships the merch, and then we will pay them what they earned on a net-30 basis. We don't want to buy the merch, we just set up the site, collect the money... and pay the designers back as they ship.


We want each designer to be able to access ONLY their orders, and not the orders that the other designers may recieve. Is there a way that there can be 30 different OSCommerce admin logins that will show only orders related to each unique login, in addition, will only give them access to VIEW and delete orders and no other admin functions of the cart workings. (We realize that doing it this way would prevent people from purchasing from multiple vendors in one transaction... and we're fine with that... we will set it up more as a collection of stores at one location, not as one big store in and of itself).


I'm guessing this is so freaky there is no such animal... but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.


Is Pay Pal compatable with OSCommerce? I know I could manually insert Pay Pal buttons onto each item page, configure things from the Pay Pal end, and let Pay Pal act as the cart... and OSCommerce as simply a product displaying databse... OR, is there a way to smoothly integrate the two?


OR, does anyone know is Pay Pal has it's own cart... and if maybe that might be more flexible to our needs?


I'm trying not to have to set up 30 different carts for each designer... basically.


Sorry for such a crackpot idea... but that's what the client wants. lol

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Easier one first... osC has several contributions that support PayPal integration. the official PayPal IPN payment module (Instant Payment Notification) is probably the best one to go for.


The administration featues you want would require some custom-written code, I think.


Have a look through the contributions section for any packages that either singly, or together, might get you close to what you want.

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Easier one first... osC has several contributions that support PayPal integration. the official PayPal IPN payment module (Instant Payment Notification) is probably the best one to go for.


The administration featues you want would require some custom-written code, I think.


Have a look through the contributions section for any packages that either singly, or together, might get you close to what you want.


Thanks for the tip about Pay Pal! :D


As far as custom-written code... I would imagine that would take something more advanced than I am capable of. I'm a designer first, I also code java, html, and css, I can tinker with and understand php but haven't studied it with any seriousness. Things like advanced php or cgi would be lost to me at the moment... maybe someone had done this before and could give some guidance out of the dark, lol.

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