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The e-commerce.

Help With beginning


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Hello, I just started a business, and I want to sell my products online. My web host manager/ friend set me up with osCommerce, and told me to read, read, read. Unfortunately, I have been reading for about 4 hours now and I am still in the dark about how to even get started. I think it is all ready for me to just begin adding my products, but i can't figure out just about anything, and what are contributions? Is it self explanitory or no? please help.

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Hello, I just started a business, and I want to sell my products online. My web host manager/ friend set me up with osCommerce, and told me to read, read, read. Unfortunately, I have been reading for about 4 hours now and I am still in the dark about how to even get started. I think it is all ready for me to just begin adding my products, but i can't figure out just about anything, and what are contributions? Is it self explanitory or no? please help.


If you go to solutions--> downloads (see above forum) there is a instructions.pdf. Skip the installation bit and read the rest. It has most of it there. There is also a knoweledge base wich has loads of info in it.





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