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The e-commerce.

Payment Modules, Merchants Account


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Hi all,


I am in the stage of setting up the Payment Modules. But out there has so many merchant accounts and paymnent gateways. and I know alot of osCOmmerce live shops are using Authorize.net.


Is there any article or anyone can recommend which merchant account and payment gateways is good for osCommerce?


One more question is does osCommerce support QuickBook?




Wanwan -- %_%_

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Hi all,


I am in the stage of setting up the Payment Modules. But out there has so many merchant accounts and paymnent gateways. and I know alot of osCOmmerce live shops are using Authorize.net.


Is there any article or anyone can recommend which merchant account and payment gateways is good for osCommerce?


One more question is does osCommerce support QuickBook?



Firstly, yes Quickbooks is supported. Go into the contrib area and type quickbook into the search and several contribs will show up.


Secondly, some of the payment modules are by choice, some by force and some by convienence. If you are just starting and not expecting (realisticly) a large amount of sales, start with Paypal's basic business account. If you think (or know) you will be doing a large amount of business, then the best thing to do is look at what the different Gateways offer. You might also consider checking the bank where you hold your business account as they may have a gateway.


Just my $.02


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funny... i came up with all of these:




Thanks!!! I love you so much... but it was really funny. I search it last night, it didn't show on the contribution!!!!?? You may say I am crazy or blind! anyway, Thank you alot!!! :lol:

Wanwan -- %_%_

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