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Getting rid of the 'new products' info


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Hello, Im wondering how I can get rid of the 'this product was added on (date)', and 'Welcome (user) click here to see all the new procuts for (date)' ect ect


I want to get rid of all that stuff. No one needs to know when my products were added, and this stuff seems to be EVERYWHERE. I tried changing the setting to 0 in the admin CP but that just gives me an error to the effect of 'yada yada error in some file can not divide by 0 blah blah'.


I would appreciate any help I can get :blush:

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Hello, Im wondering how I can get rid of the 'this product was added on (date)', and 'Welcome (user) click here to see all the new procuts for (date)' ect ect


I want to get rid of all that stuff. No one needs to know when my products were added, and this stuff seems to be EVERYWHERE. I tried changing the setting to 0 in the admin CP but that just gives me an error to the effect of 'yada yada error in some file can not divide by 0 blah blah'.


I would appreciate any help I can get :blush:


You can get rid of the Welcom... message by deleting line 305 in catalog/index.php. It reads:

<td class="main"><?php echo tep_customer_greeting(); ?></td>


to get rid of the date added bit, delete line 198 from catalog/product_info.php. It reads:


		<td align="center" class="smallText"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_ADDED, tep_date_long($product_info['products_date_added'])); ?></td>

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