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The e-commerce.

can oscommerce run from a hard drive?


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I know the reason for mySql but If i want to take my laptop to people and say "Hey Look At My Site!!" and show it on my laptop, can i?


My customers do not always have an internet connection available at that moment. so Can i download like a copy of the database... and just have it on the computer for "show" purposes??



If the answer is no, do you have any other suggestions?


I appreciate the suggestions



(i know that people can not purchase anything from the actual hard drive itself..... but i at least want them to be able to see my product)

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I know the reason for mySql but If i want to take my laptop to people and say "Hey Look At My Site!!" and show it on my laptop, can i?


My customers do not always have an internet connection available at that moment. so Can i download like a copy of the database... and just have it on the computer for "show" purposes??

If the answer is no, do you have any other suggestions?


I appreciate the suggestions

(i know that people can not purchase anything from the actual hard drive itself..... but i at least want them to be able to see my product)


To see the actual interactive page with products and such, you need an internet connection. You could always meet your customers somewhere that has a WiFi.


An alternative would be to have jpgs of your product on your computer so you can show the customer. The best way, however, would be to have some of your product on hand.

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But if he set up a local server, how.. oh.. nevermind.. the lightbulb just went on.. now, lets hope it doesn't dim or go off again! :rolleyes:

do you guys have any suggestions on a localserver that i can download and use?


what changes do i need to make to the configure.php file if i do this?



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