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The e-commerce.

Run osCommerce off of my hard drive???


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I know the reason for mySql but If i want to take my laptop to people and say "Hey Look At My Site!!" and show it on my laptop, can i?


My customers do not always have an internet connection available at that moment. so Can i download like a copy of the database... and just have it on the computer for "show" purposes??



If the answer is no, do you have any other suggestions?


I appreciate the suggestions

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Go to http://www.apachefriends.org/en and download the correct version of XAMPP (all-in-one Apache web server package) for your laptop operating system. It's a 1-click install, and once that's done you can install and run osCommerce just as if it were on an online web server. You can switch between php 4 and 5 using the switch-bat function available at http://localhost



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Go to http://www.apachefriends.org/en and download the correct version of XAMPP (all-in-one Apache web server package) for your laptop operating system. It's a 1-click install, and once that's done you can install and run osCommerce just as if it were on an online web server. You can switch between php 4 and 5 using the switch-bat function available at http://localhost




vger, in configuring xampp, or i guess, oscommerce to work with xampp, what do I use for server, and log in?


xampp it seems that it does not require a password to log in???



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